Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Status Quo

Finals ended with a party of sorts in the Scene Shop.  I got all gussied up because it was a party, right?  And you never get dirty at a party. . . yeah, sure.  I will always come out of that shop with sawdust on some part of me.  I have learned that now.  

Christmas Day was spent with my side of the family, which was very nice.  I haven't seen the cousins in a while and it was good to get all caught up.  We played Monopoly.

Played with parakeets, this is Cobalt and she loved to be up high.

 She would also make sure your glasses fit correctly.

And had napping snuggle piles.  Time with Family is good.
The week after Christmas was spent with Nate's family in Spokane.  It was quieter than most times we've been there, but nonetheless, restful and good to get to know his side of the family better.  I spent most of my time with his darling Grammy, and am now a pie baking buddy.

I have two more weeks off from school and then it's right back into the melee that is Cornish.  I love it, though.  So I haven't died or anything.  I've just been catching up on my sleep.
Knitting update to follow!  I've been busy!


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